Facilities - Sintaryc - Sintaryc offers manufacturing services for third parties of Cosmetics, hygiene, personal care, cleaning products and aerosols - Welcome!

Industrial Plant

Reception, Storage and Shipping

The industrial plant of Sintaryc is located in Moreno, Province of Buenos Aires, 40km from the City of Buenos Aires. The facilities are located in an extended area of ​​30,000 m2, where Sintaryc manufactures Aerosols, Powders, Liquid Filling & Packing, and all these separated according to the characteristics of each product and safety requirements. The industrial plant of Sintaryc is located in Moreno, Province of Buenos Aires, 40km from the City of Buenos Aires. The facilities are located in an extended area of ​​30,000 m2, where Sintaryc manufactures Aerosols, Powders, Liquid Filling & Packing, and all these separated according to the characteristics of each product and safety requirements.

Its warehouses and storage tanks have the capacity to supply the inputs for all its production lines and the shipment of manufactured products.

To satisfy customer needs, Sintaryc makes continuous investments with the purpose of keeping its fleet of machines and equipment updated.

The values ​​of relative and absolute positive importance of the action of establishment and operation of the company in the area demonstrate the importance and convenience of the existence and operation of the establishment.

Its favorable impact on the economic, public and private level, as well as on the level of direct and indirect employment through the services it requires, are evaluated as highly significant impacts on the socioeconomic environment of Moreno’s party.

The SINTARYC S.A.I.C. company plant represents a high positive impact on the area’s socioeconomic environment.

Contact Sintaryc and receive personalized attention.